Art Florence


FLORENCE, ITALY: World renown sculptor, photographer, artist and philosopher, Scott Siken, will officially debut his brilliant new collection of powerful alternative photographs at Galleria La Corte Contemporanea in Florence, Italy.  Privileged attendees are destined for an unparalleled experience to heighten their sense of emotion while they view this exquisite series of rare Lith Photographs. Each image is original and demands a highly specialized technique dating back to the 1800's. Through this intuitive process, the talented artist manipulates photographs that resemble etchings by creating filters which increase flare and texture. Siken has created this highly specialized process. His poetic visions evocatively conjure expression rather than mere photographic documentation. The work exudes enduring qualities of oneness with life.

In New York City, Scott grew up in a family of doctors and lawyers yet gravitated towards artistic creativity. He eventually tapped into photography as means for expression. Scott is a serious artist who gives back to the community. He participates in activities with those of less fortune.  Charitable artistic activities include gifting: Amnesty International, Artists for Nuclear Disarmament, United Nations Against Apartheid, Visual Aids and Kids With Cameras, Empowering Children Through Art Photography (Children of Prostitutes in Brothels in India).

Scott Siken is a diverse artist who carves wood, shapes stones, casts bronze, creates figures out of pearls, leaves, and various intriguing materials.   Scott is highly respected as a painter, sculptor, photographer, and observer of the passing scene.

Galleria La Corte Arte Contemporanea - Rosanna Tempestini Frizzi